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Sunday, June 22, 2014

Sunday Mask: DIY Papaya Mask

papaya yogurt honey

Hellllo everyone!! No fretting even though it is Sunday okay? We'll just breeze through the workweek and welcome the weekend once again really soon. How'd you spend your weekend?

If you read my blogs regularly (I hope you do), you'll know that I lounged around in the pool Friday and spent my day at the lake on Saturday. My skin had NO breaks and therefore is really angry with meI will diligently apply masks everyday for the next week to apologize. This is the downfall of Summer.

These three ingredients I already have in the kitchen so it took no more than 5 minutes to prepare this recipe.


What You'll Need:
- 3 tablespoons papaya puree
- 1 tablespoon (plain) yogurt
- 1 teaspoon honey

What To Do:
- Use eye measurements to cut out a chunk of papaya that you think will be about 3 tablespoons when blended
- Mash using a spoon or blend with a blender to make a smooth paste
- In a clean bowl, add 3 tablespoons of pureed papaya and 1 tablespoon of yogurt; mix thoroughly
- Add the teaspoon of honey and stir until the honey is mixed out

How To Use It:
- Apply the mask to a clean face
*This mask is very watery and will run down your face and drip everywhere, I recommend you lay down and keep still
- Leave it on for about 20 minutes
- Rinse off with cool water and pat to dry

I actually left this mask on for half an hour today; I got caught up in reading and didn't notice the time. My face now feels smoother and somewhat firmer. The sun damaged from yesterday seem to have soothed away, I don't feel tightness on my forehead anymore and there is no tenderness to the touch either. My face is quite happy, now if only I can say the same for the rest of my body.

Off to watch the US match now. Even though it was 2-4, still good job Korea! Now, LET'S GO USA!!!

Thank you everyone for visiting and reading. Come back tomorrow for another Manicure Monday post! See ya!! :)

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