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Monday, April 14, 2014

Manicure Monday: Back to Basics

Manicure Monday: Back to Basics

Hello Monday all. We made it through yet another Monday. Yay!  How are you all feeling?

Whether you're a regular or this is your first time, I'd like to welcome you to  another Manicure Monday post! For the last couple of weeks, my manicures included a lot of nail arts. Especially last week where it was colorful to the max! Sometimes, when I look at something intricate for too long, I start missing the simpleness of things. That's really the case for this week. I wanted to go back to the basics, just a solid pretty color, that's it, no designs no nothing.

I chose two pretty light colors... Gotta keep in mind that it's Spring, take pastels and run for it! I chose a light pink and pale blue cream polish, but after applying them, it just seemed a little too plain. Cue the shimmery polish, thankness these shimmer shades corresponded with the cream shades well. The pink shimmer was a lot lighter than the pink cream, but I really like how the results came out.
Left Hand
Left Hand
Manicure Monday: Back to Basics Right Hand
Right Hand

Pink Forever (cream pink)
Glass Pink (shimmer pink)
Bright Lucite (cream blue)
Cinderella (shimmer blue)

Manicure Monday: Back to Basics Sinful Colors

Just look at how gorgeous the the shimmer polish sparkle in the light? From what I see, Glass Pink has bits of golden glitter in it but Cinderella has silver specks. Both looks really good. It makes me wonder how they'll look worn alone. These shimmery shades are in no way sheer, they definitely have color to them, so we'll see how that goes in a couple of weeks.

Yeah....simple doesn't mean boring. I needed to mix-match somehow. It turned out better than what I expected. It looks so fresh and clean. It makes my ultra short, freshly trimmed nails a little more bearable. Every month or so, I cut my nails super short and let it grow out again, I find that that's keeping my nails healthy. If I don't cut it short-short, the nail will grow out very weak and brittle and keep breaking. I dunno how it works but that's how it is for me.

So yeah, that's what on my finger this week. As for my toes, it's anything but subtle. I used a yellow-ish green shade called Innocent by Sinful Colors. It will sure pop when I wear my heels. Sorry guys...I have a weird hatred for feet so I don't like to talk about them or take pictures of them. But yeah, this is what Innocent looks like.

Sinful Colors in Innocent

I hope you enjoyed your visit; thank you for reading. :)





Man Crush Monday, K-Pop Idol Group

Seungho - Leader, Vocal
G.O - Main Vocal
Lee Joon - Vocal, Lead Dancer
Thunder (Cheondoong) - Rap, Vocal
Mir - Rap

MBLAQ isn't MBLAQ if they aren't being goofy...or weird.
Lee Joon
Thunder ; Park Siblings <3

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