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Tuesday, May 27, 2014

dr. brandt Microdermabrasion Skin Exfoliant

Hello Tuesday all! First day of the workweek... only three more days to go. Tis one short week. And so how is everyone doing?

Today I want to share with ya'll one skincare product I've came to love just recently. I received a sample of this product in my April iPsy bag and have since purchase the full product because I was so fond of it. I'm guessing from the title you can already guess what I am talking about, but it is dr. brandt Microdermabrasion Skin Exfoliant.

For starters, I would like to state the price as it is preeety expensive. The price listed on the site is $78 but when I ordered mine, I used a coupon code provided for iPsters so I paid about $62 for it. Even with the code, it is still pricey, I know, so this product might not be for anyone on a budget. For me though, after I finish the one I have, I will definitely repurchase, full price or not. Good thing a little goes a long way though.

I have extreme oily skin, my brother has oily/combo while my mom has dry skin that's oily on her T-zone. This works on all three of our skin types fairly well. For me, I noticed that my face doesn't get as oily as it used to, even though the temp is on the rise. Like there's still excess oil, but it's not to the point where I can deep fry with it. My skin has also been glowing after the uses. Like it actually got rid of so much dulldead skin that my actual baby skin is able to peek through. Applying foundation takes even less effort now and it doesn't seem to be cakey anymore. Not that it was before but I have to blend it out very well. Like... the foundation would just sit on top of my skin, but now it's like infused, becomes one with my skin.

My brother went through a rough puberty stage, his face was full of acne. Fortunately it cleared up but there's still the acne scar left behind. After using this for the last month, those acne scars seemingly lightened up a lot and he told me this skin has become noticeably smoother.

As for my mom, her skin is so dried that it is flaky. After using this for two weeks, those pesky flaky skin seemed to have flaked off. In addition to dry, flaky skin, my mom also has a lot of dark spots and a few liver spots sprouting. She's used soooo many skin care products, high end to drug store, none of which seemed to help. This Microdermabrasion scrub, magically lightened up those spots. It's not completely gone, but it is fading slowly after each uses. She seriously cannot get over how baby soft her skin is, I find it amusing. Haha.

It has a light citrus-y, heavy on the lemon grass scent to it, it's not bothersome to me at all. Although I've read otherwise from the reviews. As for the texture, the "grains" are so fine, nothing like other exfoliating products like St. Ives where it has a grainy-sand texture. Even though the "beads" are so fine, it still does a superb job of getting rid of those dead skin . My skin is noticeably smoother, softer after using it.

It is recommend that the scrub be used twice a week, with three days in between each uses. For me, I only use it once a week, usually on Fridays. I honestly do not think using it twice is necessary, as of right now. When massaging the scrub onto the skin, do not use much pressure because that might cause irritation to the skin and will give your face extreme discomfort and/or burning sensation.

I have successfully referred a few friends and family members in purchasing their own scrub, each one has nothing but great things to say about it. All of them, like me, have added this to our must have skincare products and an additional step to our skincare routine.

I HIGHLY RECOMMEND this Microdermabrasion Skin Exfoliant. Yes, I know it is very pricey, but it is sooo worth it. Your skin cannot thank you enough. Use a little bit at a time and this will last you forever.

Thank you for joining me again and thank you for reading guys! :)



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