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Saturday, May 31, 2014

Repairing Sun Exposed Skin

You guuuys....even though it is Saturday and I usually don a face full of makeup (I used today to experiment), that's not the case today... :(

If you guys read yesterday's blog, I was supposed to go swimming but I didn't. Since I was stuck at home waiting on the repairmen anyways, might as well make the best of it and get some house chores done. I spent the majority of the day outside yesterday, in the blazing Arizona sun95+ degrees. I generously lather sunblock all over my skin that is exposed to the sun and sprayed myself down every 30-40 minutes. Well... I ended up getting burned still, but if I hadn't gone through all those drastic measures, it would have been worst.

My shoulder, arms and neck are the most burned. I actually didn't even notice I was burned until I was getting ready to shower. I was bright redBRIGHT. In the shower, my face felt a little tighter than normal and after getting out of the shower, I noticed my forehead was also slightly redI was a mess.
I made a Cucumber and Aloe Vera Mask for my face and used the left over aloes for my shoulder, arms and neck. It felt sooooooooo good. I could have swore I heard a sizzling sssssssssssssss  my skin made as soon as I applied the aloe. Hahaha. So I reapplied the aloe after it dried and continued to do that for about five times.

Later in the night, as I was watching Music Core, I cut up some cucumbers and applied that on the burned areas. I kept it on until it loses its cool and replaced it with new ones for about three times.

When I woke up today, my burns cooled down a lot and it's not as red anymore. As for my face, it's very oily, but that's pretty normal when I spend all day out in the sun.  I gave it more love by using a Hydrating Mask to further keep my skin hydrated. I think my face is almost back to normal, but I will stay away from wearing any sort of makeup today. Maybe tomorrow too if possible. As for my shoulders and arms, I applied raw potato slices to 'em all day and the burning sensation  is almost gone.

I almost forgot to mention but I kept myself especially hydrated today by drinking lots and lots of water. Alternating with water, I am also drinking my Detox Water. I find that by drinking that, I heal a lot faster than I normally would. On top of that, I am also eating lots of fresh fruits like strawberries, raspberries, blueberries.

And that consists of what I've been doing all dayFixing myself up and doing more house choresindoor. It's not fun but I'd rather be indoors today and things gotta get done anyways.

So I hope you all enjoyed your day and will have a terrific weekend. Thank you visiting and thanks for reading all! :)

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