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Sunday, June 01, 2014

Sunday Mask: DIY Nourishing Face Mask

avocado and milk recipe

Hello Sunday all! It's been a while but I am back to share with you all a new DIY face mask recipe!

If you keep up with my blog everyday (which I hope you do), you'll know that I recently suffered severe sun burn to my arms, neck and shoulders. For the last two days, I have worked endlessly to try and repair my damaged skin. My face is now healed although I do think I am darker than I was beforeWould ya look at that, it IS possible for me to tan. My shoulder and neck are about 95% healed as it is no longer tender or red. The only area that is basically still tender to the touch, red and burning is my forearm.

But anyways, now that my skin is almost back to normal, I wanna give it an extra boost to speed up the recovery because I do plan on starting the filming process this week. I do hope everything will go according to plan, everything is already
delayed as is.

So today's recipe is fairly easy, it only requires two ingredients. While both milk and avocado will provide my skin hydrationmilk soften hard, tough skin and avocado contains Vitamin E and healthy fats.


What you'll need:
- 1/4 ripe avocado
- 1 tablespoon milk

What to do:
- Take 1/4 of the ripe avocado to a clean bowl
- Start mashing the avocado into a lump-free paste
- Add the milk and mix it into a smooth paste

How to use it:
- Apply the mask onto your clean face
- While applying, do massage the mask onto your skin by moving your fingers in circular motions
- Let the mask sit for about 15 to 20 minutes
- Rinse your face in cool water thoroughly, the avocado will dry and will be super hard to wash off
- Pat to dry

I already did this earlier today and I plan on using it three more days this upcoming week. The left over avocado I will store in an air tight container until I use it again.

And that is it guys, a very easy breezy recipe that will do your skin goodI hope you'll give it a try and if you do, please do share how that works out for you.

I am off to go prep my nails for tomorrow. Please come back to join me for another Manicure Monday tomorrow. Thank you for visiting and thanks for reading guys! :)

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