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Saturday, May 24, 2014

Saturday Facial: DIY Hydrating Face Mask

Avocado Honey Coconut Oil mask

Helloo everyone! The first day of the three-day weekend, how do you feel? Any plans for today?

It's actually a chillaxing day for me today. Had a few errands like going to the store for tomorrow's BBQ and taking my Mom to her appointment but I was able to squeeze in some time for a face mask this morning. It was much needed. I went swimming yesterday and despite the full out protection, I still received some minor sunburn to my face. My skin is slightly red and tightly stiff. On my forehead area, there's also slight drying. All of this calls for a hydrating, moisturizing face mask.


What you'll need:
- 1/4 ripe Avocado, mashed
- 1 1/2 teaspoon Honey
- 1 1/2 teaspoon Coconut Oil

What to do:
- Cut up 1/4 of a ripe avocado (your best option is to eat the other 3/4 but you can totally save it for another mask also)
- Mash the avocado with a spoon in a clean bowl
- Add the honey and coconut oil
- Mix everything together thoroughly to make a paste

How to use it:
- Apply the mask on a clean face
- While applying the mask, do also try to massage the mask on by moving your fingers in circular motions
- Let the mask sit for about 15-20 minutes
- Give your face a final massage before rinsing it off with warm water
Pat dry with a towel or tissue

So why these three ingredients? Within these three ingredients, there are ZincVitamins E and K and other B-Complex Vitamins present. Simply put, Zinc is able to reverse damageVitamin K brightens the skin while Vitamin E reduces skin pigmentation and B-Complex Vitamins reduce redness and skin irritation.

After using this mask this morning, my skin immediately became rejuvenated. The slight redness from the minor sunburn, the tightnessstiffnessdried up skin is now replaced by moisturizedhydrated soft skin. Not only was I able to repair my skin from yesterday's damage, I also prepped it for tomorrow. We're having a Memorial Day BBQ tomorrow and I'll have make up on for most of the day.

I hope you enjoyed this recipe and will give a tryCheck out another Avocado face mask recipe I posted a while ago or if you'd rather want another sun-soothing mask, this Aloe Vera mask is my go to after swimming. Enjoy your three-day weekend everyone. Thank you for visiting and thanks for reading guys! :) 

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