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Sunday, May 04, 2014

Sunday Mask: DIY Cucumber & Aloe Vera Mask

Cucumber & Aloe Vera

Hello everyone! What a glorious Sunday, no? :P

It is time for another mask recipe. Yay! Today's recipe, I have used for as long as I can remember. It is the most frequently used recipe upon all, in the hot Summer, whenever I go swimming basically. I use this to soothe my skin from the sun and chlorine damage. As you all know, I just went swimming yesterday; the first swim is always the most painful afterwards, I think my skin isn't used to the chlorine and sun exposure from the Winter months. It eventually gets used to it, but after every swim, this is my go to mask.

What you'll need:
-1/2 a Cucumber
-a medium leaf of Aloe Vera
*This recipe yields one mask; if you want to use an entire cucumber, add another leaf of Aloe Vera. Place the unused mask in a container with a lid and store in the fridge for no more than two days.

What to do:
- Cut a cucumber in half. Leave out the half you’ll use and put away the other half.
-Wash and peel.
-Cut off the serrated edges on both sides of the Aloe Vera.-Slit the top layer of the leaf lengthwise. You will see the translucent Aloe Vera gel inside.-Carefully fillet the Aloe Vera gel from the leaf.-Place the Aloe Vera gel in a bowl
-Blend the Cucumber to a puree.
-Add the Aloe Vera to the puree and blend.*You can add a bit of water if the mask comes out too thick.

How to use it:
-Apply the mask onto a clean face.
-Leave for about 15 minutes.
-Rinse in cold water.

Ahhhhhh, my skin is now rehydrated and rejuvenated. A very easy recipe, yet such a life saver. :)

Thank you for joining me and thanks for reading. :)

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