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Saturday, February 21, 2015

Saturday Hair Care: Avocado Hair Mask

Avocado Banana
Hello Saturday all! :) We are now on day 3 of the Lunar New Year, technically the last also, even though the "new year" goes on for another 7 days. It has been one heck of a busy three days, but finally today, I can let out a sigh of relief. A whole 'nother year until all these crazies will happen again.
I have some time on my hand earlier before I had to get ready for the fam gathering tonight. I have been neglecting everything about me, from my hair to my skin. Neither of which are happy with me might I add. I'll worry about my face tomorrow when I have more time, but for today, let's focus on the hair.
My hair is as natural as it gets, virgin hair as some hair enthusiast might call it. I haven an abundant head of healthy, thick, course hair. I usually don't do much to keep them shiny and healthy but not all things stay that way. I shouldn't really complain because it really isn't that bad but since it is the new years, I am supposed to wash my hair everyday for the last three days. I normally wash it every other day or every two days in the dead Winter months. With all the excessive washing, my hair has become very dry and any ounce of hydration is stripped from my hair.
Cue the DIY recipe for a hydrating hair mask made from avocado and banana, rinsed in apple cider vinegar. While the mask already will give you all the hydration needed, the apple cider vinegar will just be an extra boost.
What You'll Need:
- 1/2 Banana
- 1/2 Ripe Avocado
- 1 Teaspoon Olive Oil
- Apple Cider Vinegar

What To Do:
- Smash or blend the banana out until it is chunk free
- Same goes for the avocado, the less chunks the better
- In a small clean bowl, add the banana and avocado together and mix well
- Last but not least, mix in the olive oil
How To Use It:
- Massage onto the hair from root to tip
- Let sit for about half an hour
- Rinse the mask off with apple vinegar for extra shine
- Shampoo well
- Rinse in cool water
- Allow to air dry
My haaaaaaair, feels amaaaaaaazing! Shiny, glossy, and just so darn bouncy. I urge for y'all to go ahead and give it a try. Do let me know how it went for you if you do give it a go.
Thank you for visiting and thanks for reading. Y'all enjoy the rest of your Saturday now. Please come back soon. :)

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