About Me

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So basically me in a nutshell... I AM ♥Vietnamese-American ♥Single ♥Make-Up Junkie ♥Extreme K-Popper ♥Asian Dramas Maniac ♥Blogger ♥Youtuber And you can... FIND ME AT ♥Wordpress ♥Blogger ♥Instagram ♥Pinterest ♥Tumblr ♥Twitter ♥Kakao ♥KIK ♥iPsy ♥Facebook ♥Youtube

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

The Creative Blogger Award

Hello all! I feel very honored to be nominated for yet another blog award, this time, for the Creative Blogger Award.
I would like to thank the ever wonderful Glam With Sam for this nomination. She has such a fun, quirky blog that I enjoy very much. Her reviews are ever so fun to read and very informative. Check her blog out! :P
The Rules
  • Nominate 15-20 blogs and notify all nominees via their social media/blogs
  • Thank and post the link of the blog that nominated you (very important)
  • Share 5 facts about yourself to your readers
  • Pass these rules on to them
Five Facts About Me
1. Ever since I was born, I was given two legal names. The English name is for public use and the Vietnamese name is for home use. To this day, my friends call me by my English name, my family uses the Vietnamese name and my brother and cousins uses a nickname.
2. I am bilingual, other than English, I can fluently speak, write and read Vietnamese. As a matter of fact, Vietnamese was my first language. I did not learn a single word of English until I was mid-way through Kindergarten.
3. Pandas are my favorite animals, water lilies and lilies are my favorite flowers, magnolia is my favorite tree and my favorite type of weather are dark, cloudy, rainy days.
4. I am a dog person; cat scares me. I absolutely adore medium-large breed dogs. Siberian Husky, Korean Jindo, Shiba Inu, Phu Quoc Ridgebacks, German Shepherds are amongst the breeds I wish to own in the future.
5. I have severe motion sickness. Traveling in the car for more than an hour is hell for me. In the case of traveling for long distances by car, I need to get out and stretch every once in a while. I do not get carsick if I drive but I dislike driving so.. Haha. However, as sick as I get, I still do like road trips a lot. I absolutely love that 6 hour drive from AZ to Cali, pure bliss.
The Nominees Are....
**Ladies, I am aware that some of you are probably nominated already but just do another one. The requirements of 5 facts isn't at all lengthy, it'll be fun to share more facts about y'all to your readers. :D
Check out these talented ladies and show them some love! So I hope y'all enjoyed the 5 tidbits about me. As always, thank you for visiting and thanks for reading. Please come back soon. :)

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