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Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Physician Formula Shimmer Strips Custom Eye Enhancing Shadow - Smoky

Physician Formula Shimmer Strips Custom Eye Enhancing Shadow - Smoky

Hello, Hello again everyone. It is another gorgeous Tuesday here in Arizonaclear blue skies with white fluffy clouds drifting, light breeze and the sun shining brightly in the sky...maybe a little too bright, it is soo hot now! We were in the 90s all weekend long, apparently today's high is predicted to be 99ºF (that's 37ºC if you're not from the U.S.). Oh my gosh...this is still mid-Spring.

Today, I will share with you my third and last Physician Formula Shimmer Strips Custom Eye Enhancing Shadow in the Smoky collection. I already talked about the other two palette, Nude and Casual last week. Out of the three palettes, this is my least favorite. I don't hate it, no, it's just the shades are not those I gravitate towards on a daily basis.

This palette is identical to Nude and Casual, with the exception of the shades. Similar to Nude and CasualSmoky has a  plain black package with a biggo sparkly "diamond" to oomph the palette; I guess it's trying to give off an elegant feel. Regarding the formula and texture, it has the same not-so-buttery yet not too dry, flaky or chalkiness. This could also be worn wet or dry for a soft or full intensity lookSmoky also has nine shadows, all of which are shimmery. Like the others, Smoky also has three suggested sets of shadows to create different looks. Think of it as three trios in one palette. But of course you can use all nine shadows however your heart desires. It's suggested to make our experience easier.

First set is typically the lightest shades of the palette. In this case, it includes the lightest shade which is a almost-white with hints of gray, a gray shade and a violet shade.

Physician Formula Shimmer Strips Custom Eye Enhancing Shadow - Smoky 1

The second set is usually has the medium shades. The lightest shade of this trio is a silver, followed with a gray and a deep purple.

Physician Formula Shimmer Strips Custom Eye Enhancing Shadow - Smoky 2

The dark shades from all nine form the last set. There is another silver shade, slightly different for the other gray and silver shades, a deeper purple and a black shade.

Physician Formula Shimmer Strips Custom Eye Enhancing Shadow - Smoky 3

I apologize that there isn't much to say about this palette, because it is so similar to the other two, all is said tot he other two post. So if you're interested, please check out the Nude and Casual posts.

Thank you for visiting and thanks for reading. :)

Song of the Day

Run - Epik High

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