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Sunday, June 08, 2014

Sunday Mask: DIY Nourishing Blueberry Mask

Sunday Mask DIY Nourishing Blueberry Mask

Hey guys and welcome to another Sunday Mask post.

As we near the end of Spring and getting closer to Summer, I spend more time outside whether swimming or other activities, I put my skin through a lot. In order to "repair" and nourish my skin from the damage I put them through, I've been religiously applying DIY masks almost daily. Here is another nourishing mask I use almost often.


What you'll need:
- 1/4 cups of blueberries
- 1 tablespoon honey
- 1 tablespoon [extra virgin] olive oil

What to do:
- Use a blender or any similar appliances to blend blueberries to a smooth puree
- Add the olive oil and honey to the puree and give them a good blend

How to use it:
- Apply the pureed mask onto a clean face
- Let it sit for about 20-30 minutes
- Rinse in warm water before splashing with cold water
- Pat to dry

And that concludes another mask recipe. I hope you guys enjoyed this recipe and will give it a try. Lemme know if you do! Please come back soon, maybe tomorrow for a manicure post? :P

Thank you so much for visiting and thanks for reading.

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