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So basically me in a nutshell... I AM ♥Vietnamese-American ♥Single ♥Make-Up Junkie ♥Extreme K-Popper ♥Asian Dramas Maniac ♥Blogger ♥Youtuber And you can... FIND ME AT ♥Wordpress ♥Blogger ♥Instagram ♥Pinterest ♥Tumblr ♥Twitter ♥Kakao ♥KIK ♥iPsy ♥Facebook ♥Youtube

Friday, January 16, 2015

Liebster Award - 3rd Nomination

Hello my lovely, pretty readers! Hope you're all having an amazing Friday. Time to just kick back and relax, screw the worries of work and school... If it's possible that is, like if you didn't have homework or work to finish. Then by all means get that done before "screwing" it. LOL.
I was fortunate to be nominated for my third Liebster Award a couple days ago. First nomination being in July and the second in August. I am excited for this third nomination because I always have a great time working on special posts like this. I'll try to make it as enjoyable as I can. :P
Thank you to poppysconstellations for the nomination this time around. Please go check out her page, link provided so just clicky click. :)
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  • You must answer the 10 questions given to you by the person who nominated you.
  • You must pick 5 nominees with under 200 followers to answer your questions.
  • You cannot nominate the person who nominated you.
  • You must let the people you nominate know they have been nominated.
1. If you could only wear one color for the rest of your life, which would you choose and why?
If I could only wear one color for the rest of my life, I will choose to wear black. I contemplated between white and black but ended up choosing black. Besides the fact that black is very slimming and flattering, it is also a color that fits with most occasions and also can be worn year round. LOL.
What color would you choose? I mean, would anyone choose like yellow or green? Lemme know! :D
2.If you were given the opportunity to enter the Big Brother House, would you?
Never! I am an introvert and very socially awkward; I will never be able to enjoy the experience and will hate every moment of it.
3. If you had to describe yourself as an animal, which animal would it be and why?
Definitely a puppy and/or dog. Not a great thing to admit but I am known to always get my ways if I give 'em "the eyes" or "the puppy eyes". Haha. But I only use that on people I am super comfortable with that I know I can get away with, like my Daddy or brother or boyfriend (if I had one).
Besides that, I am just a very loyal, faithful and dependable person. Even though I don't consider a lot of people best friends or even good friends, I will be there for them regardless even if I consider someone a friend. I will go out of my way to try and help someone. I am that reliable friend you can count on to be there for you, lend an ear, a shoulder or even tell you the truth like how it is.
4. Are you more of a leader or a follower, would you change this?
Definite leader. I've always led, never followed.
5. Do you have any phobias, if so, what are they?
I actual have several, some realistic like heights and darkness and BIRDS! While others are more intangible like disappointing the ones you love, death of loved ones, so on so forth.
One of my most abnormal phobias are of birds and feathers. I am deathly afraid of birds... more accurately, anything with feathers, a beak and creepy talons. They scare me to the point where I will break down and cry in the middle of the street. NO BIRDS ARE EVER CUTE TO ME, THEY ARE VILE, DISGUSTING CREATURES....Out to get me, I'm quite convinced.
The others, being more typical, like height and darkness.
Maybe it's just me but I am afraid of disappointing my loved ones. Even the thought of it just breaks me. Maybe it's an Asian thing, maybe it's just me, but I can almost promised that ever since I got my life back into order, I have not let anyone I love down. Let's just hope it stays that way.
This fear is actually inevitable but nonetheless a fear. I don't even want to think about it and if I do, I just go into mental breakdown mode and just start stressing. But this is life... within the last 4 months, I have bid farewell to three of my beloved. I pray, that God will spare me for the next while. My heart cannot take anymore grief.
6. Which one person inspires you the most and what about them inspires you?
My Daddy. My Daddy is my hero, my role model, my inspiration of my life; he means the world to me. He has sacrificed more than his whole life for his family with no complaints. Everything he does, he does for his family. Not only is he a great Father, he is also an amazing life teacher. He's been there every step of the way for me, I can always count on my Daddy to catch me if I fall. He inspires me to be the person that I am, not just in my daily life, but also career and romance wise.
Without the love, care, nurture, teaching, sacrifice, patience, guidance, discipline of my Father, I will not be the person I am today. Daddy will always knows best.
He inspires me to be like himself when I have my own family. A selfless, caring, dependable, faithful, whole heartedly loving wife and mother to my future husband and children.
7. Which one celebrity annoys you the most, why?
Kanye West; he just...just exudes so much arrogance, narcissism and doucheriness. I find myself voiding any articles or news story that has anything to do with him. If I accidentally come across one, I would cringe from the beginning to end.
8. What is the best compliment you have ever received?
"I am very proud of you and the person you have become. I could not ask for a better daughter. Your Mom and I couldn't be any prouder of you" - my Daddy
Just knowing that both of my parents are proud of me, my accomplishments and even able to look past my failures just means everything to me. To me, that is the best compliment I can and will ever receive.
9. Where do you see yourself in 10 years time?
I will be 35 so hopefully I am lucky enough to have my own happy family by then, a loving husband and children. I hope that my career will take off and I will actually make something of myself.
Ten years... It sounds like it'll take forever but in a blink of an eye, it'll creep up and smack you in the face. I can honestly swear to you that I can remember the day I JUST turned 16. I was so excited to finally get my license and be an "adult" and just like that, I will turn 26 this year. I miss those carefree days so much but we just have to keep moving forward.
10. Are you afraid of becoming old?
No, not in the the aspect of growing crows feet and skin pruning and wrinkly. I couldn't care less about those physical matters because it is inevitable. That is not to say I will not take care of my skin and health to try and slow down the process, but ya know, I am not afraid of it when it comes down to it.
I am however, am afraid of growing old alone. I don't want to be that crazy dog lady, I want to grow old with a husband by my side, with children and grandchildren. I want to live a full and successful life. I am afraid of growing old too soon, before I am able to achieve everything that I want.
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1. Who is your role model? Why? (Could be anyone from history or present)
2. What is your favorite brand of make up?
3. What is your motto to live by? Explain.
4. Eyeliner or Lipstick?
5. What is more important, what the scales read or you being happy with your body?
6. Mind reading or invisibility?
7. If you were told you only had one more month to live, what will you do? How will you spend it?
8. If you HAVE to get plastic surgery done in ONE place, all expense paid for, what or where will you get fixed? Why?
9. “In love, the person who loves more is the happier one”, with that said, would you rather love someone more than they love you or be loved more than you love them?
10. If you can go back in time for only once, back to any time period of your life, will you? If so, will you fix anything?
Thank you for visiting and thanks for reading. Enjoy the rest of your night. Come back soon. :)

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