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Friday, February 13, 2015

Facial Friday: DIY Coffee, Cocoa Mask

coffee cocoa
Happy weekend all! The weekend is here and I still feel like crap... What fun! I initially had plans for today but my little butt here is still feeling ever under the weather. Oh wells, staying in is always nice too.

Being sick for the last couple of days has really made my face swell up. And guuurl, my face is already round as is, a swollen, round face is a big no, no. Since I was lazing around all day anyways, I decided to slather my face in a mask to help with the puffiness.

Today's mask recipe is not only delicious but it only requires a few staple ingredients that all of us should have in our kitchen.

Coffee is an amazing ingredient to help take down puffiness and swelling, it will also tighten your pores.

So let's get our mask on!

DIY Coffee, Cocoa Mask

What You'll Need:
- 2 Tablespoon Ground Coffee
- 2 Tablespoon Cocoa Powder
- 3 Tablespoon Milk OR Yogurt
- 1 Tablespoon Honey

What To Do:
- Mix the ground coffee and cocoa power together thoroughly in a clean bowl
- Add the milk or yogurt to the mixed coffee and cocoa and mix it up
- Last but not least, add in the honey and give it a final stir

How To Use It:
- Apply this very yummy mask onto a clean, bare face with your clean fingers or a brush
- Allow the mask to set for about 15-20 minutes
- It is best to rinse the mask off in the shower, but if not, over the sink is fine too.
- Ever so gently, scrub in circular motion as you rinse off the mask in warm water
- Finish off with a splash of cool water to close off the pores
- Pat to dry

Thank you for joining me for another post, thank you for visiting and thanks for reading. Y'all enjoy your weekend now! Come back soon!! :)


** Original recipe found on crunchybetty**

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