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So basically me in a nutshell... I AM ♥Vietnamese-American ♥Single ♥Make-Up Junkie ♥Extreme K-Popper ♥Asian Dramas Maniac ♥Blogger ♥Youtuber And you can... FIND ME AT ♥Wordpress ♥Blogger ♥Instagram ♥Pinterest ♥Tumblr ♥Twitter ♥Kakao ♥KIK ♥iPsy ♥Facebook ♥Youtube

Tuesday, February 03, 2015

The Sisterhood Award

Hello my lovely readers!! Another special post entry for today because I was nominated for another award. I hope y'all will enjoy this entry, since it is something new and refreshing, something different for the norm. That is always good right? Haha.
I would like to thank the ever so lovely blogger, Miss Trina Bina for nominating me for The Sisterhood Award. Please head on over to her blog and check it out, she runs a very exciting blog. :)
The Rules
  • Link the blogger who nominated you on your post.
  • Put the award logo on your blog.
  • Answer the ten questions that were given to you.
  • Make up ten new questions for your nominees to answer.
  • Nominate five blogs and make sure they are aware they are nominated.
  • When you have responded, leave a link in the comment of the person who nominated you.
Miss Trina Bina's Questions
  1. How long does it take for you to get ready in the morning? Do you like to spend a lot of time on your appearance?
  2. Do you consider yourself a hardworking person?
  3. Why did you start your blog?
  4. What does Sisterhood mean to you?
  5. What’s the most unusual thing about yourself?
  6. What is your favorite type of cookie (chocolate chip, sugar, etc.)?
  7. Do you consider yourself a leader or a follower?
  8. If you had to shop at one store for the rest of your life what would it be?
  9. What is one thing about yourself that you are proud of?
  10. What are your goals to accomplish by the end of January 2016 (next year)?
My Answers
1. How long does it take for you to get ready in the morning? Do you like to spend a lot of time on your appearance?
This really depends, if I do my half effort makeup then I will take no more than 15 minutes; however, if I do my full makeup routine, it will be somewhere between 45 minutes to an hour-ish. I say "ish" because that also depends if I lollygag too. I mean, I've said before that applying makeup is very therapeutic for me, hence why I like to blast K-Pop or put something on Netflix while I do my thing. Sometimes those causes distractions and I take longer than usual. I will say this however, if I know I have a deadline or a certain time I have to be somewhere, I will get that done QUICK.
Yes and no. I do believe that physical appearances make the automatic first impression. Even before you open your mouth, how you present yourself is very crucial. With that said, I do not think that you need 5 pounds of makeup, caked onto your face in order to be beautiful or presentable. Less is more when it comes to makeup. Makeup shouldn't hide or mask your beauty, it should only accentuate your beauty. Everyone is beautiful, you have to believe that. Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder, one person thinks else wise doesn't mean the next will agree. We are all different and that is what makes us all special.
Ooookay, so I feel like I've kinda strayed from the question with my motivational speech but yeah... I do spend time and put forth effort into my appearance by applying face masks or uses scrubs and facials because those will help enhance your true beauty. I have absolutely no problem walking out of the house bare faced, I just choose not to because I love to wear makeup, but if need be, I'll sport bare faced all day, errrday.
2. Do you consider yourself a hardworking person?
True say, don't cha say? Nothing in life will be handed to you... Unless you're born with a silver spoon in your mouth but how many of us are that lucky?? :/ Well, actually, I take that back. I wouldn't prefer to be born rich, errr, even if I was, I would still try to make something with myself. Because nothing is more satisfying then to know that you've worked hard, given it with all you got in order to get where you're at. It will make you appreciate your accomplishments more whereas if it was just handed to you, you'll soon become very unappreciative.
I was raised by immigrant parents who worked super hard for their family, for a better life. The harder they worked, the more it paid off. You can't lose hard work, no one can take that from you.
3. Why did you start your blog?
What better way to connect with people with the same interest than the internet? I love makeup, I love K-Pop, I love all things Asians, I also like to ramble. With my blog, I can just go on and on about things I love and there's someone out there somewhere who reads it and likes it. It's just a win-win situation.
I’ve always been an introvert with low self esteem and near to zero self confidence. I don’t like sharing my problems with my loved ones because I worry that they will worry and be sad because of me. Part of this blog is my diary. I share my issues, worries and problems on my blog and whoever reads it, reads it. For some reason, when I sit behind my computer, I am able to get let it  all go. It doesn’t really matter if no one reads my innermost thought diary, it’s the mere fact that I can vent myself.
4. What does Sisterhood mean to you?
To me, as a woman, I see that I should help, sympathize, encourage and empower my fellow sisters.
More than often enough, I see women tear each other apart. We, ourselves are our worst enemy, but so are our fellow women. Jealousy, envies, just everything, we trash talk each other just because our crush likes them and not us, or because they are "sluts" or just whatever. No guys.. Just no. That's not how we should carry ourselves or treat others that way.
Not all women are born to be free or have rights as most of us enjoy. Sometimes, we take that for granted. There are still societies today where women are nothing but proprieties and are severely mistreated. While there is nothing we can do to help, there's always that emotional support we can give. To me, that just means a lot.
5. What’s the most unusual thing about yourself?
Ooooh... This one is a toughy. I actually have quite a bit of unusualness because I am a weird one. Let's just go with the most less abnormal, maybe I'll throw in two.
Ever since 15 years old, I have never left my nails bare for more than a day. At 15 was when I really got into nails and such. At that time, I wouldn't necessarily change it up every week but I'd do it when it starts chipping or whatever. So I would remove it and apply a fresh coat of paint right away. Seeing them bare now is just weird to me...
Well, that wasn't as exciting so I'll give ya another one. I. HATE. FEET. Yep... I have this hatred for feet and toes. LOL. I dunno why or what... But I cringe at the sight of them. I especially hate men's feet. :/ Living in Arizona though... That is quite an issue. Men in flip flops EVERYWHERE... Just everywhere.
6. What is your favorite type of cookie (chocolate chip, sugar, etc.)?
SUGAR!!!! Sugar cookies for the win! I can eat those all day, everyday if I wouldn't get fat or sick because of em.
Snickerdoodle and oatmeal cookies are also up there somewhere.
7. Do you consider yourself a leader or a follower?
I have always been a leader, not always by choice though. Whenever in a group project or whatever, I just unconsciously play that leader role without even realizing it, but by then, everything was in order and the rest of the group seems to really like what we've made with our time. That, and I also give really good advice I guess. Everyone just comes to me.
8. If you had to shop at one store for the rest of your life what would it be?
So what store can I shop at that will not only provide me with food, clothing AND makeup? Target, forever to the rescue. I mean... Walmart is alright too but I am all for Team Target. Who's with me??
9. What is one thing about yourself that you are proud of?
I was able to pick myself up and walk away from a very unhealthy relationship that I thought I wasn't ever able to. I always thought that the world would end and I would be so numb but NOPE! I walked away and never looked back and have made something better of myself ever since.
There are plenty of things I am proud of myself for but THIS is one of the tops, most definitely. Nothing feels more satisfying than to be able to mend your broken self up and realize that you've done it. :)
10. What are your goals to accomplish by the end of January 2016 (next year)?
Well, blog wise, I hope that my blog will be wider known and it is able to reach and relate to many, many other people around the world. I have met and befriended a few amazing people from my blog, and it's just an experience I'm glad I was able to partake in. Who would guess that I will meet and befriend someone from across the world simply because of our love for makeup or K-Pop? It would be a major accomplishment if I can get my blog to the next level, make it more known.
With that said, I hope I can finally get my channel up and start posting soon. I'm sorry guys!! I dislike myself for not getting on top of it. Bear with me for a tad longer. So hopefully by next January, I will have a channel up and running with lots of fun videos up.
Relationship wise... Y'all know I don't really talk, in depth at least, about my private life on my blog. I like to keep the two lives separate. But for the sake of this question, what the heck.
So there's this preeeeeetty amazing guy, he is quite awesome I must say so myself, but I'm probably just being biased. Haha. But um.. Yeah.. By next year, I hope that we would be happily dating and going for something more. :)
I Nominate
My Questions
  1. What does sisterhood mean to you?
  2. Cake or pies?
  3. Name three things from your bucket list. If you don't have a bucket list, name three things that you have very great interest in trying.
  4. What do you find most beautiful about yourself?
  5. Winter, Fall OR Summer, Spring?
  6. What makes you unique?
  7. Do you prefer to cook or bake?
  8. Do you have any insecurities? If so, name one and why?
  9. Top five favorite cuisine.
  10. What are your ultimate life goals? Please be as detailed as possible.
Alrighty, I hope y'all find this post enjoyable. As always, have a pleasant rest of the day. Thanks so much for visiting and thanks for reading. Please come back soon. :)

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